Testing Challenge #10 - BUG HUNT

Your mission

Your mission is to find the worst (top 5) bugs and/open issues (things related to the functionality, testability). When you think you are ready click here and submit your bugs and issues.

There are at least 21 bugs.

Do not test for any performance bugs.


You are working as a outsourced tester in team that wants to create a application for putting in touch drivers that experience issues with their cars and the nearest and available mechanics. As a driver you can create a account at local gas stations. When the account is created you can log in the application.The site has to be translated into English, French, Italian and German For now just the log in page is ready. It is the first build.

Creating users

You can create users by using the form bellow. The users and password will be written directly in the databse.

Access the application

The application is available at this link.

Specify username and password



First name:

Last name: